Friday, February 23, 2024

The Start of the Brainstorming...

We just got two actors confirmed to act in our film opening! We're still going strong with the romantic comedy genre.

A worry that me and my group had about doing a film opening in the romantic comedy genre is that it could be seen as too "cliche". However, we really liked the ideas we had so we decided to go with them.

We started off by brainstorming different situations that a film in the romantic comedy would have in its opening. Some of these included:
              - meeting at a party
              - bumping into each other at a coffee shop
              - finding out they are working in the same office

Some of these circumstances are realistic to film at an amateur scale, while others aren't. After some discussion we came up with a scene at the beach. We additionally figured out a description for our characters. Chloe, the female lead, is a typical "good girl" who is focused on school, while Justin, the male lead, likes to have fun with his friends and is more extroverted. 

We came up with a basic outline:
- Chloe and her friend Sara are at the beach
- Sara is pressuring Chloe to get out more, especially after her breakup
- Justin is at the beach with his friends playing a ball game
- The ball hits Chloe
- They meet
- Their difference causes turmoil

What we want the beach scene to look like:

Now that we have a *basic* outline, we can start writing a script. I don't know how to write the script, so that research will be in next blog post! See you all then!!

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