Thursday, February 29, 2024

Getting Student Advice!! 🙌

Today, we were assigned to talk about our portfolio projects with assigned groups in order to get feedback and advice on what we have planned so far. Let me just say, I am so thankful for all the film experts and TV club kids my class is abundant with. Their expertise was—in fact—very much needed.

As of right now, my group has two ideas for the film's opening: a beach scene with a meet-cute, or the female lead moves into a new apartment and has a meet-cute with her neighbor. I pitched both of these ideas to my group and asked them which idea they were more interested in. One of the group members said they preferred the beach scene more; their explanation was that the move-in seen is too conventional and cliche for a rom-com. The beach scene is more fun and fresh. However, the entire group agreed that the beach scene would be a lot more difficult to film. We have to worry about the outside environment, have a lot more actors, and the quality of the video footage has a very good chance of being compromised. Not to mention all the trouble with the lighting. It was very helpful for me because I was able to take multiple of these aspects into consideration.

After explaining both my outlines to my group, I also had more general questions for them. My group and I are focusing a great deal on writing the script right now and I expressed that the writing felt very unnatural even if I worked extra hard to write conversational phrases and not actual grammatical sentences. To this my group responded with some advice. They said that I should visualize the entire concept first, write out the first thoughts that come to me as my script, and then go in and edit. This could help with the flow of the script and make it more natural. Also, one of the members of my group is part of the TV club at my school and said they he may be able to hook us up with quality filming, lighting, and sound equipment as I expressed one of my worries being not having access to the proper tools to produce this opening. He's actually such a real one for that—bless his soul.

This group thing was so much fun and I thoroughly enjoyed getting and giving feedback. Thank you to my wonderful teacher for organizing this.

Till next time!!

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