Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Creative Critical Reflections!

CCR 1:




Final Product!


Coming to an end...

The bittersweet time has come; it is officially the end of this long process of creating a film opening.

Here is my reflection of the process:

While I am immensely proud of our accomplishments with "Knock on Love," I also recognize areas where we could have improved our approach. One aspect I would potentially reconsider is my time management and scheduling. At times, my ambitious goals and underestimation of certain tasks led to tighter deadlines. In the future, I will strive to create more realistic timelines to account for unforeseen circumstances.

Furthermore, I acknowledge the limitations of my technical skills and equipment during this project. As students, my group only had access to basic equipment and software, but I recognize the potential for enhancing our production value with more advanced tools and training. Moving forward, I would prioritize continuing my education in areas such as cinematography, lighting, and post-production techniques to elevate my craft further.

Overall, the production of "Knock on Love" was a transformative learning experience that equipped me with a diverse array of skills, from creative collaboration and problem-solving to technical proficiency and project management. As I reflect on my journey, I am filled with gratitude for the lessons learned and the growth I experienced. Armed with these insights, I am eager to take on on future projects, applying my newfound knowledge and continuously striving to push the boundaries of my abilities as a storyteller.

Creative Critical Reflections!

CCR 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18tDo66ASK-XlXADEladlboQpHb0BxsFl/view?usp=sharing CC2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FvjqQd6guqrh...